"Oh! And he jumps to the left to avoid from being impaled by the giant rod!"
The subtitles for that word that made me raised an eyebrow was :
"Oh! Lalu dia meloncat ke tepi untuk mengelak dari disula batang yang besar itu!."
OWW-EMM-GEE! The horror wei!!
Well, www.Dictionary.com states that the definition of Impale is:

1. | to fasten, stick, or fix upon a sharpened stake or the like. |
2. | to pierce with a sharpened stake thrust up through the body, as for torture or punishment. |
3. | to fix upon, or pierce through with, anything pointed. |
4. | to make helpless as if pierced through. |
5. | Archaic. to enclose with or as if with pales or stakes; fence in; hem in. |
Now i gotta go impale someone.